
17:31 Unknown 2 Comments

Allow me to introduce myself, Harry Hogg (alliteration at its finest eh) is the name. 

My human has started this blog on my behalf (my paws don’t allow me much flexibility typing on the little keys…) to let you in on a furtive life of a cat - oh yes, you all get to know everything about my life as a furry feline.

That photo right there, look at what a young, cute little kitten I was. Oh the good old days, when my weight was a little bit more…in control. Now I’m just a dapper, larger than life cat. 

A little bit of background information for you all, I was actually born at a cattery in Cheltenham, England where my human’s mother worked, she already had two cats but couldn’t resist taking my sister (Poppy, who is no longer with us) and I home. We spent a glorious few years in Cheltenham with the other furries in the house - Sox and Floyd - before the humans moved us all back up to their homeland, the mighty Scotland where we have been ever since, I can frolic in the garden until my hearts content - well when I can be bothered.

If you couldn’t tell already, I LOVE TO EAT. Crunchies, jellied food, chicken, cheese (when I steal it off of my humans plate when she's not looking…), ham… you name it and it’ll be in my round belly. 

Cuddles. In my opinion they’re the best thing since Dreamies chicken flavoured crunchies. I would happily have them all day long. There are many ways to entice a human into cuddling you, there will be a full post on that in days to come - I can’t give away my secrets all at once. 

For now, I am away to curl up on the couch and sleep. Until next time humans - paws out.