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Allow me to introduce myself, Harry Hogg (alliteration at its finest eh) is the name. My human has started this blog on my behalf (...
Chow. Sustenance. Nourishment. Goodies. Whatever you want to call it, food is the spice of my furry life.
I know it's been a while and you've all been missing my big loveable self, who wouldn't eh? You lucky humans get to meet my tw...
You can't pick your family eh. Well actually, my humans picked my furry family so that statement doesn't really apply to me. Howev...
This is my human (well, 1 of 4). I know what you're all thinking 'wow she's weird' and yes humans, yes she is. My huma...
The human you've all been waiting for - although I feel I may not live long after this post... SORRY MAW. Humans, meet Donna. My h...
Oh look, it's me. Doing what I do best. Sleeping. One of life's greatest pleasures, wouldn't you agree? Now humans (a...
It's time to meet my littlest human, he's just a kitten compared to me (not in size obviously). This is Christopher Hogg, al...
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